Carter Hinsley’s mathematics and neuroscience blog
Current reading in chaos topology
Truncated tent maps and the Sharkovsky stratification
Mathematical expositions on Transformers
Locally certified approximate trajectories in finite-dimensional dynamical systems
Deriving special relativity: Lorentz from Lie algebras
Lie algebra prolongation table
Galois groups and polynomial solvability
Dynamic Mode Decomposition Playground
Time-Delay Embedding Playground
Existence Criteria for Utilitarian Preference Relations
Grothendieck: Allons-nous continuer la recherche scientifique?
The Empire of Business — Andrew Carnegie
Curated Papers: September 2020
Feynman's Trick: Differentiation under the integral sign
Newton's Method and Fast Numeric Roots
Primary (Actionable) Predictors
Resources on Sheiko's load patterns
I am a Mathematics PhD candidate interested in the application of differential geometry and information theory to reinforcement learning and neural networks — both biological and artificial.
Lately I have been conducting research in neurodynamical systems and the topological theory of chaos.
Most people can benefit from this reading list.